The Heart of Hearts of Rumi’s Mathnawi – A Unique Persian Sufism Book by Wazir Dayers

Wazir Dayers Book
Dear Readers
It has taken me seven years to complete the very first English version of “The Heart of Hearts of Rumi’s Mathnawi”, a unique Persian Sufi book that is virtually unknown in the West. Its Persian title is Lubb-e Lubab-e Mathnawi-ye Ma‘nawi, which loosely translates as “The Heart of Hearts of Rumi’s Mathnawi” [Download PDF here].
It was written in the 15th century by the Persian Sufi scholar Mawlana Mulla Husayn Wa‘iz-e Kashifi. This work is an extensive thematic anthology of Hazrat Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi’s Mathnawi. Mawlana Wa‘iz-e Kashifi compiled the Lubb-e Lubab-e Mathnawi as a help for fellow Sufis who studied Sufism using Hazrat Mawlana Rumi’sMathnawi.
In Persian-speaking Sufi circles it is almost as famous as the Mathnawi itself. Surprisingly enough, it has never been published in the West. When the English version of the book was finished, I was unable to find a publisher for it. I therefore decided to spread it in a different way: in April 2014 I “launched it into cyberspace” as a free e-book in PDF format, attached to an email.
I was very pleased to learn that the e-book reached people all around the world, in Europe, America, Australia, Iran and India. To this day it continues to spread and can be downloaded free of charge from three Sufi websites, in the UK, the US and India.
It also reached some kindred spirits in the US who belong to a spiritual non-profit organization called “Experience Meaning”. Its website is worth visiting:
The founder of “Experience Meaning”, Mr Sarwar Nassiry, very kindly offered to publish “The Heart of Hearts of Rumi’s Mathnawi” as a proper book. I agreed, and it gives me great joy to announce that its publication finally is a fact. The book is published later than initially planned, due to a number of practical obstacles that had to be overcome.
“The Heart of Hearts of Rumi’s Mathnawi” is intended for students of mysticism and sincere lovers of Hazrat Mawlana Rumi’s work. It is ideal for all who wish to immerse themselves in the boundless and fathomless ocean of Hazrat Mawlana Rumi’s wisdom.
The aim of publishing this book is not to make money. Its sole purpose is to offer dedicated spiritual seekers a valuable instrument to help them attain inner realization.
Even if you already have the PDF version of “The Heart of Hearts of Rumi’s Mathnawi”, this publication is well worth buying. It consists of three beautifully designed hardcover volumes.
You can order your set here:
Please forward this email to as many people as possible and/or spread the news via the social media. Many thanks in advance!
Kind regards,
Wazir Dayers
Book Details
Title: The Heart of Hearts of Rumi’s Mathnawi or Lubb-e Lubab-e Mathnawi-ye Ma‘nawi
Author: Mawlana Mulla Husayn Wa‘iz-e Kashifi
Edited in English by: Wazir Dayers
© 2016 Experience Meaning
ISBN 978-1-5136-1179-2