Zakat: Do we need to pay it in Ramadan?

Zakat: Do we need to pay it in Ramadan?

Zakat is not merely the fourth pillar of Islam but a key part of Islamic economic model. It is also means for cleaning our monetary accounts every year

During Ramadan, the overall reward for the good deeds is multiplied many times, hence many people rightfully try to pay it in Ramadan to benefit more from the blessings of Allah SWT. However, as far the obligation of Zakat is concerned, it can be paid anytime during the year.

Below well-known verse emphasises the importance Salah and Zakat:

وَاَقِیۡمُوا الصَّلٰوۃَ وَاٰتُوا الزَّکٰوۃَ وَارۡکَعُوۡا مَعَ الرّٰکِعِیۡنَ

سورة البَقَرَة

“And observe Prayer and pay the Zakat, and bow down with those who bow.”

Surah Baqra , Ayah 44


Islamic, unlike most other religions, is not confined to individual prayers and rituals, but provides guidance to establish a complete social and economic model based on social equality and justice. Zakat is fundamental to this concept, as it ensures circulation of wealth to those demographics of society who need it the most. 


Benefits of Zakat

  • Zakat promotes generosity and teaches a key lesson that wealth belongs to Allah and we are merely its custodians for a short period in this life. Zakat is not only self-purification at individual level but also for society as a whole.

  • Zakat develops a bond between Zakat payers and payees. It connects together with a shared responsibility where one pays money thinking it as their moral obligation and other takes with gratitude that Allah has permitted such charity for them.


  • Zakat establishes a system of Social Security. Like many welfare states in Europe, where basic healthcare is the responsibility of the State, Zakat is an enabler towards such a model where every citizen has basic rights.


  • Encourages circulation of money as it discourages hoarding to individual accounts. Such circulation of money is pivotal to any financial model in society and also executed by use of Fiscal and Monetary policies of State and Central Banks.


  • Zakat teaches to focus on Self-respect. Zakat payer doesn’t need to tell payee that it is Zakat as it can be given stating it is a gift or Eidi. It is to ensure that self respect of the payee is not harmed in any way. Zakat is an obligation on the payer, as they think they are watched by Allah as they pay their dues that are farz on them.


  • Zakat reduces beggary and corruption in society. Such philanthropy of such a mass level [more than 1.5 Muslims] gives opportunities to people to stop evil of beggary and look for opportunities to sort accounts and encourage small and medium enterprise e.g. cottage industries, hence kick starting economy. 



Zakat and Charity



Photo by Larm Rmah on Unsplash



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