Ghulam-e-Ali: A Sufi Hymn in honour of Imam Ali

Ghulam-e-Ali: A Sufi Hymn in honour of Imam Ali

Ghulam-e-Ali is a Sufi Hymn in honour of Imam Ali. It was originally written by the prolific scholar and musician Amir Khusrow – who is credited as the father of Khayal, Ghazal and Qawwali. Read full lyrics of this beautiful poem:


Ali Imam-e-Manasto manam ghulam-e-ali

Ali Ali Maula Ali Ali, Ali Ali Maula Ya Ali Ali

Shaan hai teri, afzal wala

Panjetan-e-pak ke, ghar ka ujala

Aisi shan haí teri.

Ali imaam-e-manasto manam ghulam-e-ali

Manam ghulam-e-alí, Manam ghulam-e-ali

Khushboo pyar kee, apne

Taleem mohabbat kee, bus

Khushboo dee hai apne dee hai. pyar kee, apne dee hai

Taleem mohabbat kee, bus apne dee hai

Bane meri bigree.




Ali is my Imam & I am his servant

Ali is my master, Ali is the truth.

Your glory is supreme

O one of the Pure Five, you’re the light of my house

Your glory is supreme, O one of the Pure Five

You’re the light of my house Such is your glory.

You who gave us the fragrance of love

You who also gave us the knowledge of love

Have fixed my broken life.

Ali is my Imam & I am his servant







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