True lovers see death as a Liberation: Story of Hazrat Ali’s Shahadat
True lovers see death as a Liberation: Story of Hazrat Ali’s Last Words at Shahadat from Maulana Rumi’s Masnavi
Before he died, Hazrat Mawla Ali said: “By the Lord of the Kaaba*, I am Liberated [or succeeded].”
Let the bodily form vanish, who am I in reality? Bodily figure of little importance when I am everlasting?
Since by the grace of Allah, the Divine spirit was breathed into me, I am the breath of God which is kept apart from the windpipe of the body.
Desire for death became the medal of the sincere, for this declaration was made a test for the deniers of the Truth.
Masnavi 1.7.6

When Hazrat Ali R.A. was stabbed and closed to his Shahadah, he reported to have said “Fuztu wa Rabbi’l-Kaaba” meaning ‘By the Lord of the Kaaba’, I have triumphed’.
His last quote is basically the topic of this verse by Maulana Rumi and elaborates that for true lover of Divine, death is merely a journey to leave this body to become part of Reality. With poisoned sword wound inflicted by Ibn Muljam, Hazrat Ali’s last words sums this Sufi belief in merely 3 words beautifully.
As Sher-e-Khuda, Hazrat Ali’s soul left his body, he thanked Allah for passing the test with success and made Allah Himself as witness that he gave his life for truth. As Maulana Rumi quotes, the bodily form was of little importance when in reality the soul is the everlasting and have been waiting to meet the grace of his Creator. The bodily life is ordinary and nothing but a trial and Hazrat Ali thanked at his Shahada [martyrdom] as he delivered his bodily to his Lord.
Based on translation by our dearest brother Wazir Dayers, with permission and our gratitude for him.