Story of Hazrat Annas’s dastarkhawan that Prophet SAW touched: From Rumi’s Masnavi

Story of Hazrat Annas’s dastarkhawan that Prophet SAW touched: From Rumi’s Masnavi


Hazrat Annas R.A. had graciously invited a few guests for dinner. After their delightful meal, Hazrat Annas noticed some food stains on the dastarkhawan, the dinner mat. He promptly inquired with his servant and instructed them to place the dastarkhawan in the blazing oven.

The servant dutifully followed his command, and to the astonishment of everyone, the dastarkhawan did not succumb to the flames. Instead, it emerged from the oven perfectly clean and unscathed.

“O companions of the Prophet SAW, what is the meaning of this phenomenon?” the intrigued guests inquired. “How is it possible that a dastarkhawan made of cotton could withstand the searing heat of the oven?”

Hazrat Annas, with profound reverence, explained, “The reason is that the Prophet had touched this dastarkhawan with his blessed hands and lips. It is this divine touch that has shielded it from the flames as a mark of respect.”

Maulana Rumi eloquently penned:


“O, my heart, if you ever wish to be spared from the fires of hell, seek the touch of the beloved Prophet’s hands and lips,
For if an object touched by the Prophet SAW cannot catch fire, how can the fire touch one who is close to the Prophet?”


The guests turned their attention to the servant and inquired why she did not hesitate before consigning such a beautiful dastarkhawan to the fire. She replied with unwavering faith, “I cannot disobey my master, and I believed that his order held a profound secret. I had faith that this command would not cause any harm.”



maulana rumi - allama iqbal


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