Story of Kaneez ordered to tempt male slaves – Sufi story by Rumi

Story of Kaneez who was ordered by King to tempt male Slaves | Sufi story by Rumi

Mevlana Rumi narrate a story in Fihi Ma Fihi [In it, what is in it] that tells about serving Allah.

A King ordered her Kaneez [female slave] to wear lot of makeup and dressing to tempt and seduce male slaves. The objective was for King to find which of his slaves are loyal to him and can be trusted rather than falling into the trap of lust.

Although looking superficially, an observer might state that the character of the Kaneez is bad, the reality is that she is merely following the orders of the King to test loyalty of his subjects. Her purposeful tempting of slaves is not her own idea.

Maulana Rumi, using this parable, advise that subjects of Allah must follow like the kaneez, who did not object to King’s order and submitted to his grand wisdom and will.



Story of Kaneez who was ordered to test Salves - Masnavi Rumi

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