The world and what is in it, is transitory, wise is person who is not attached to worldly things

The world and what is in it, is transitory, wise is person who is not attached to worldly things

Below in italics is a verse by Hazrat Abdur Rahman Jami, used by Maulana Rumi in Masnavi. The verses that follows are by Maulana Rumi

“Death separates us from everything. Happy is he who has detached himself from the material world (Dunya) before dying”


Take heed to advice! Do not rejoice in a kingdom that is passed one from one to another

You ,who are chained to the alternation of destiny, do not act as though you were free [of such chains]

But those for whom a kingdom beyond such this is prepared, for them the drums (of sovereignty) are beaten beyond the Seven Planets.

Beyond alternation (regular ups of down of kismet) are the everlasting kings: their spirits are always circling with the Cupbearer [Saqi]*.

Since you have not been granted true servitude to the Beloved [Allah], from where did the wish for kingship arise in you?


Cupbearer or Saqi is who pours out the mystical Divine Wine. In order to receive this Wine, the adept must empty himself from his nafs or ego, i.e. he has to become empty as a wine cup. In Sufism, the Saqi often is a symbol for one’s Master (Shaykh or Pir)


Translation by our dear friend Wazir Dayers, with his permission and love. 




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