Balaghal Ula Be Kamalihi: Sufi Story of Khusro & Saadi

Golden Door of Masjid-e-Nabwi Medina

Golden Door of Masjid-e-Nabwi Medina

Hazrat Amir Khusrow is unarguably one of the greatest masters of Persian verse. Upon hearding Hazrat Shaykh Saadi’s simple Persian verses in praise of Prophet Muhammad below, Hazrat Amir Khusro exclaimed that he can easily produce better verses in praise of the Prophet.

Balaghal ula Be Kamalihi
Kasha Fadduja Bijamalihi

Khasunat Jamiu Hisaalihi
Sallu Aleyhee Wa Aalihi

Hazrat Amir Khusro had a dream last night that Prophet is surrounded by his admirers and Hazrat Shaykh Saadi is reciting these verses in this sacred company. After such dream, Hazrat Amir Khusro repented and took such words back.

Download this beautiful poem immortalized by the legendary Qawwali duo Sabri Brothers Qawwal below:

Balaghal ula Be Kamalihi  – Sabri Brothers Qawwal 


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